Starting in a new job always comes with a period of learning and understanding. During those weeks, I always have the itching feeling of not shipping anything valuable, of only chipping away at the unimportant, of not getting close enough to what really matters.

Today, finally, I could follow the itch, and ship product.

The new project overview screen

We’ve released the first batch of changes to the VIBBIO application introducing a new design to our project workspaces and streamlining our sign-up flow. From now on, it will be quicker and easier to ship subsequent iterations on the existing features, and to improve the overall user experience.

New and improved messaging screen

And while Ingrid, Line, Mathias, and Thomas were busy with the application, I rebuilt our website from scratch.

Nothing is perfect, but it’s out there, and it feels good to finally have shipped product. Time for celebrating with a donut.

Talor and Jørgen make the best donuts in Oslo, seriously. This one had licorice spread, it was delicious. ❤️